Junior Cassidy Long briefs her order to peers at a Lab. Cadet Long will be one of 25 App ROTC Cadets attending ROTC Advance Camp at Fort Knox this summer. At the same location, 7 others will attend ROTC Basic Camp.
Other scheduled training:
1 to Airborne Training,
6 to Air Assault Training
1 to Robin Sage (supporting Special Forces training)
1 as Opposing Force (enemy) for the ROTC Camps
1 on an Internship at the Army Research Laboratory
1 attending Cadet Leadership Development Course at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
6 to Cadet Leadership Training: 1 with a EOD unit at Fort Bragg, NC; 1 with an Armor unit at Fort Benning, GA; 1 with an Artillery unit at Fort Sill, OK; 1 with an Infantry unit at Fort Polk, LA; 1 with an Airborne unit at Fort Bragg, NC; and 1 with a Chemical unit at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
Some other opportunities pending. What are YOU doing this summer?