On August 25, a group of Appalachian State University Army ROTC Cadets made their way over to Elizabethton Tennessee where the Cadets were able to raft down a portion of the Watauga River. This group of 35 Cadets were volunteers during this year‘s University move in where approximately 3000 students moved into their dorms over the course of three days. This white water rafting trip was the App State ROTC department’s way of saying “thank you” to the cadets who put in all this hard work for the University. The Cadets got to experience a mixture of class I, class II, and class III rapids. The Cadets also enjoyed getting to relax down long stretches of calm water while being able to toss around footballs and have raft races. The eager Cadets also took the opportunity to jump off a 25-foot rock face into the frigid water below. Overall, this was a great opportunity for ROTC cadets to try a new activity and build comradery.-- Cadet Rose, Event Cadet in Charge.
Jumping into the New Semester
Cadet Rose supervises his troops over troubled waters (rapids)