Appalachian State University’s very own Pershing Rifles Company M-4 attended the National Society of Pershing Rifles’ National Conference and Competition in Washington DC. Following a day of drill competition judged by the U.S. Army Drill Team, the App ROTC Cadets placed first overall against teams fielded from 23 universities across the country. They were awarded the title of Varsity Rifles. Their success was the culmination of all their efforts over the past year; training, recruiting, and fundraising to attend the event. Eighteen Cadets formed teams to compete in the Color Guard, Platoon Regulation, Squad Regulation, Squad Exhibition, and Individual Exhibition events. App’s PRs placed second of 23 teams in Squad Regulation, Squad Exhibition, and Platoon Regulation. Cadet Myers placed 3rd in Solo Exhibition. Additionally, the App PRs were noted for their academic standing, also coming in second overall. On Saturday, several Cadets took the opportunity to visit the Capital, visiting the Smithsonian and National Monuments. That evening App Cadet Austin Smith was elected as the new Pershing Rifle's National Commander alongside 5 other App State Cadets; elected or selected for National office. Fire on the Mountain!!
Above- Trophy Shot
Above- Company M-4 competing in Squad regulation. The Squad received 2nd Place for their performance.
Above- Company M-4 showcasing their unique Squad Exhibition routine in the competition which earned 3rd Place graded by the US Army Drill Team.
Above- Company M-4 attending the NATCON formal dinner and receiving the Scholarly Award granting $750 to the company
Above- Deciding to Lead. CDTs Rogers, Lemos, Proenneke, Smith, Bowland, and Farrington all represented APP State ROTC and Co. M-4 on the NSPR National Staff. CDT Smith was elected Nation Commander 2023-2024
Above- App's Pershing Rifles visit Pershing (the monument)