The 2019 Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Watauga County was Thursday the 21st of February in the Duck Pond at App State. Water temperture was around 36 degrees.
Watauga Law Enforcement agencies sponsor the event that raises money for Special Olympics and draws students and community members to dress up in costumes and jump into the chilly (and duck seasoned) waters of the Duck Pond. ASU ROTC kicked off the plunge as usual with its tactical element (the Commandos) crossing the pond as a unit. They were followed with the remaining Cadets and Cadre jumping into the pond off of the event platform. ASU ROTC has been the highest fundraising group for many years in this event. They repeated the effort this year, raising over $1450.
All of the money raised stays in Watauga and goes directly toward the training and competition efforts of the athletes.
Cadet Kelsey does the “Flying Kelsey”. The landing was not as smooth
A “Good” Jump by Cadet Good
LTC Kleman comes ashore
A gaggle of App Commandos make their way across the pond
App Commandos Come ashore, Cadet Richardson screams “I told you I would not get my hair wet!”
Great Cohesion in support of a Great Cause!