On Friday May 12th Brigadier General John Evans, Commander of U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command and ASU Distinguished ROTC Alumni, Commissioned thirteen Army Officers in Valborg Theater. BG Evans, in his speech, first mused that he could not recall who the speaker was at his commissioning 29 years earlier and felt confident stating “that 29 years hence – you won’t either. So acknowledging that I am unlikely to be memorable today, I shall at least endeavor to be brief.” The career aviator went on to cover four points he wanted the new lieutenants to consider: obligations, outcomes, institutions (that of the Army) and humility. He led off with “humility”, stressing that “while your experience level will not change for the brief moments you are on the stage, the minute after you are pinned you will outrank 80% of the Army… .you are well trained and you are prepared, but you have much to learn.” General Evans closed with the advice that he had received as a young Lieutenant himself from a wise First Sergeant: “Relax LT - ultimately people don’t care what you know, they just want to know that you care. If you take care of your people, they’ll take care of you.”
The following were commissioned at the ceremony: Second Lieutenants Barry, Bienhoff, Coveney, Green, Guillory, Harrington, Hawkins, Hurdle, Krzysko, Minor, Peting, Scaggs and Shelton.
Pictured: CPT Bradley Brown announces App's newest Army Officers