For one week in February, I was given the opportunity to attend the George C. Marshall Conference. This conference consisted of stellar cadets from West Point and every ROTC program in the country, and it took place at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. During the conference, we were given a break from typical Army training, and we were treated as professionals and encouraged to activate our critical thinking skills at the Command and General Staff College. Some of the key points we delved into were the ever-changing Multi-Domain environment that each of us will be commissioning into, how Army strategy and readiness fits into those domains, and how we can be successful junior leaders in the army based on NCO and company commander advice. The event culminated with an enlightening speech from the TRADOC Commander, General Townsend. General Townsend spoke on all the key points we learned over the week, and he left us with the importance of the advice of always double knotting your shoes. You cannot lead if your soldiers see you fall out. Regardless of what the excuse is, you must set the example. Overall, the conference grew my knowledge significantly more on the Army that I will soon be a part of. –Cadet Boyles
Pictured MG Evans, Commanding General of US Army Cadet Command, Class of 88, Special Operations Master Aviator and Cadet Boyles, Class of 19, recently awarded Aviation Branch . Both were at the George C. Marshall Conference .