Commando Club's Tactical Training of the Individual Soldier Fall 2018

On Friday, the 7th through Saturday the 8th of September, the ASU Commando Club conducted Tactical Training for the Individual Solider (TTIS). Over the course of 12 plus hours, candidates conducted a physical training test, completed a packing list inspection, learned three new skills, and accomplished many other tasks. The idea behind TTIS is for the candidates to learn individual based skills first. Once individual skills have been learned, the candidates come together and use their newly learned skills to overcome challenges as a team. Team work is a key component during TTIS, without it, no candidate would pass. Candidates are challenged physically and mentally while cohesion as a team is promoted. Twenty Seven Cadets/Students completed this year’s training. --Cadet Garrett Sandy

Commando Pond  appears to be getting shallower as time goes on.....


Walking the Logs (team building) .....


CDO TTIS 2018 Grad
Published: Sep 10, 2018 12:58pm
